ATO Super Checklist for Employers

Written by: Institute Certified Bookkeepers

Source: ATO – Run a quick check of your super obligations


Paying super is an important part of being an employer.

Super provides income for your workers in retirement.

Here’s how to run a quick check of your super obligations to make sure you’ve got everything sorted.

  • Check you’re paying super to all eligible workers.
    • Some contractors may be entitled to super.
  • Check that you’re paying the right amount.
    • Currently, you need to pay a minimum of 9.5% of their ordinary time earnings.
  • Check you’re paying on time.
    • It is tax deductible against your business income.
    • At a minimum, you can pay super quarterly.
    • If you fail to pay on time, you may need to pay a superannuation guarantee charge, which is not tax deductible.
  • Check you’re paying to the right place.
    • Pay super into your workers’ fund of choice.
    • If they haven’t given you the details, pay it into your default fund.
  • Check that you’re paying the right way.
    • Pay the SuperStream way – send both the payment and data electronically in a standard format.
    • You may be able to use the free Small Business Super Clearing House to distribute payments to your employees’ super funds.
  • Check you’re keeping accurate records.
    • Have evidence to show you’ve met your obligations.

Employing people involves lots of obligations, including superannuation. The ATO have the tools and calculators to help you get it right.

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