Category Bookkeeping Tips

Directors Superannuation

Salary and wages paid to an employed director are subject to the same superannuation guarantee law as any other employee. Directors fees, paid to a company director, are considered to be ordinary time earnings and therefore superannuation applies. However, payment…

GST on Offshore Digital Products

Digital products, (goods and services) supplied to Australia by international companies digital may need to register for GST as from the 1st July 2017. The non-residents doing business in Australia who sell imported services and digital products to Australian consumers will be…

Record Keeping Obligations

If your business is covered by the Fair Work Act 2009, you’re required to comply with a number of important record keeping obligations. On the spot penalties of $540 per breach and court-ordered penalties of up to $54,000 per breach can be…

BAS Agent vs Bookkeeper

You May Be Thinking… What’s the Difference? Firstly, not all Bookkeepers need to become BAS Agents! A Bookkeeper can also be a BAS Agent! However, if a business requires a contract Bookkeeper to provide a BAS service, they must be a registered…