Category Newsletter

Making Small Business More Resilient

Only One in Four Small Business Have a Disaster Plan Small and family businesses can suffer greatly from natural disasters, yet just one out of every four small businesses today has a business continuity plan, according to a report by…

Cyber Security Exercise in a Box

Be Business Ready for a Cyber Incident In its annual cyber threat report, ACSC assessed that medium size businesses had the highest average loss per cybercrime where a financial loss occurred. The rise in the average cost per cyber incident…

Be Aware of What You Share

Make Protecting Your Identity & Personal Information Part of Your Day The growing numbers and the recent surge in data breaches and scams are on the minds of many individuals at the moment, particularly those who have had their data…

The Fair Work Ombudsman – Webinars

Education About Workplace Laws The Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) regularly offers free webinars on a range of topics for different  audience groups. At the FWO’s webinars, you’ll learn about workplace laws including relevant legislation changes, and the FWO’s free tools,…


Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) ASBFEO provides assistance to small business and family enterprises and offers a way to provide their views on policy and programs to government. ASBFEO also assists and advocates for small businesses and…

What is a FWO Compliance Notice?

The Fair Work Ombudsman is increasingly using compliance notices as a tool to recover unpaid wages. They have developed a new online course to assist employers and their professional advisers to better understand the requirements of a compliance notice. The…